The Curious Case of Video Interviewing: Reducing Costs and Improving Efficiency
miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014
Video Interviewing: Reducing Costs and Improving Efficiency
La video-entrevista es una de las más poderosas herramientas de reclutamiento hoy en día. Ya considerado una moda pasajera, las organizaciones están adoptando rápidamente las soluciones de vídeo para mejorar la eficiencia, reducir los costos y estandarizar el proceso de contratación. De hecho, el 32% de las organizaciones que participan en la investigación de la adquisición de talento de "Aberdeen" están invirtiendo en la entrevista de vídeo, en comparación con el 21% de las organizaciones en 2012. Aunque la demanda de video está sin duda en aumento, la construcción de un caso de negocio y seleccionar al proveedor más adecuado sigue siendo un desafío. Con una nueva generación de proveedores de soluciones de acceso al mercado, la comprensión de los requisitos clave y diferenciadores de productos no es tarea fácil. Este informe, basado en datos recogidos en marzo y abril de 2013, proporcionará información sobre los retos, acciones y facilitadores con respecto a esta herramienta.
Madeline Laurano
Research Director
Talent Acquisition Solutions
Human Capital Management
miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014
martes, 18 de febrero de 2014
E-nterview : La única plataforma en Chile con la que puedes lograr esto!
Communicating with applicants by using webcam technology
Organisations nowadays increasingly make use of internet technology to recruit employees. Part of such "e-recruitment" process is a relatively new but rapidly growing approach that allows communicating with applicants by using webcam technology, time- and place-independent. A recent development in this area is the use of pre-recorded, instead of live, interviews.
Applicants are asked to answer a set of questions that is designed for the specific vacancy they applied for. Answers are recorded using a webcam and sent to the recruiter, who receives a video of the applicant next to the applicants' résumé. This provides a recruiter with an additional source of information, which can be used when decisions are made on whom to invite for a face-to-face interview.
Research results indicate that consequences of using video interviews are contingent on multiple factors such as for example job position, age of applicants, educational level and the labor market situation.
In most situations were video interviews are implemented, a reduction in the number, and an increase in the quality of applications is seen. Further, recruiters seem to be able to make better decisions on whom to invite for face-to-face interviews. As a result, fewer face-to-face interviews have to be conducted to fill a vacancy because applicants perform better in these interviews. Therefore, the main consequences of using pre-recorded video interviews in the selection process of job candidates is that a similar amount of same quality hires can be made in a more efficient way.
Organisations nowadays increasingly make use of internet technology to recruit employees. Part of such "e-recruitment" process is a relatively new but rapidly growing approach that allows communicating with applicants by using webcam technology, time- and place-independent. A recent development in this area is the use of pre-recorded, instead of live, interviews.
Applicants are asked to answer a set of questions that is designed for the specific vacancy they applied for. Answers are recorded using a webcam and sent to the recruiter, who receives a video of the applicant next to the applicants' résumé. This provides a recruiter with an additional source of information, which can be used when decisions are made on whom to invite for a face-to-face interview.
Research results indicate that consequences of using video interviews are contingent on multiple factors such as for example job position, age of applicants, educational level and the labor market situation.
In most situations were video interviews are implemented, a reduction in the number, and an increase in the quality of applications is seen. Further, recruiters seem to be able to make better decisions on whom to invite for face-to-face interviews. As a result, fewer face-to-face interviews have to be conducted to fill a vacancy because applicants perform better in these interviews. Therefore, the main consequences of using pre-recorded video interviews in the selection process of job candidates is that a similar amount of same quality hires can be made in a more efficient way.
lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014
Recruiting is for lovers
Totalmente cierto!, afortunadamente las video-entrevistas facilitan este proceso!
My reality television weakness is The Millionaire Matchmaker. In case you haven’t seen it, the premise is that Patty (The Matchmaker) runs a high-end dating service (The Millionaire’s Club). Every week she and her team select two high-net-worth individuals, preview potential dates for them, set up a social mixer, orchestrate a “master date,” get feedback from both parties, then decide how to move forward. She’s from a long line of matchmakers and focuses on helping her clients find true love, not just a hot date.
Recruiting Is for Lovers: Life as a Professional Cupid
4 days ago by Kristen Harris 0
Does this sound familiar? Whether we’re filling a short-term project or a full time position, as recruiters we do all the same things. We select great clients, preview potential candidates, set up an initial phone screen, schedule an interview (or several), get feedback from both sides, then decide how to move forward. If all goes well, an offer is made because both the client and candidate have found true love (or at least a very strong like). When it’s not a match made in heaven for either side, we keep looking until we find the right fit.
Often, Patty has to figure out what is “wrong” with the client. Why have they not found true love on their own? She identifies patterns, reasons they might be selecting the wrong people, or actions that turn off the kind of people they want to attract. Maybe they say they’re looking for one type of person, but all of the dates they choose are a totally different profile.
These are the same things recruiters do for clients. We dig a little deeper to figure out what they really need, not just what they say they want. We ask questions to figure out what the real criteria should be. We identify what makes our client special so we can share those qualities with candidates. If we see culture, language, reputation, or anything else that may prevent our client from attracting the type of person they want, we try to help them resolve those issues. We help candidates see great qualities about the company that may not be immediately visible on the surface. We don’t let our clients settle for someone who is just okay, we want them to find the perfect match.
And we do all of the same things for our candidates as well. It’s just as important to Patty and her team that the millionaire’s date has a good time and feels a connection. If it’s not a great match on both sides, it just won’t work out in the long run—it won’t be true love. We think our client is great or we wouldn’t be working with them, but sometimes they’re just not a great fit for that particular candidate. We want to create long-lasting relationships, to help people find companies where they’ll stay and grow.
Recruiters are hopeless romantics. We truly believe every match we make is going to be perfect and, if it’s not, we always believe the next one will be. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing you’re the professional cupid that helped connect two great people. Celebrate and share the love!
domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014
martes, 4 de febrero de 2014
video interviews get the best candidates invited to the face-to-face interview..!
Study Finds Significant Correlation between Video Interviews and Job Candidates’ Likely Success on the Job
Hire-Intelligence, creators of Interview4 video interview software, recently sponsored a study to evaluate the ability of video interviews to provide valuable, job-related insights for employers who use video to screen job candidates. The results of this preliminary study showed that insights gained about candidates on video predicted job outcomes at significant levels.
Interview4 Mobile App
Gloucester, VA (PRWEB) October 03, 2013
Video Interviewing over the internet has seen increased usage, primarily due to time and cost savings in the hiring process. Surveys indicate that as many as 10% of organizations have turned to web-based video technology for interviewing job applicants. Despite evidence of reduced interview costs, no research has examined the validity of web-based video interviews.
Hire-Intelligence, creators of Interview4 video interviewing software, commissioned the first study to evaluate the technology. Using a sample of 75 professionals, Dr. C. Allen Gorman, a management consultant and Assistant Professor of Management at East Tennessee State University, conducted a preliminary study to estimate the validity of interviews conducted using Interview4.
The study found that ratings of the applicant, applicant characteristics, and interview responses all predicted job performance and associated work outcomes. Although an initial attempt at validation, the results are encouraging for organizations looking to lower hiring costs yet maximize interview validity and value.
“While significant cost savings are being realized by our users, our experience using video in hiring, literally over decades, has led us to realize that the biggest benefit is the greater insight video can provide employers versus any other screening technique short of a face-to-face interview,” said Jim Robinson, CEO and co-founder of Hire-Intelligence. “Time after time we have seen video interviews help get the best candidates invited to the face-to-face interview, even those who may not have passed other screening criteria, for example, resume keyword screening.”
A white paper describing the study conducted by Dr. Gorman for Hire-Intelligence is available at
Hire-Intelligence (“hi”) is a human resources technology company that creates job candidate assessment protocols to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and hiring process. The founders of Hire-Intelligence have more than 20 years of experience in the human capital management (HCM) world. This knowledge of the HCM industry informs all of the company’s hiring software and service offerings. The goal is to provide high-value tools and services to the HR world, delivering real, measurable ROI to users.
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Nuestra solución de entrevistas virtuales permite:
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Nuestra solución de entrevistas virtuales permite:
- Identificar competencias específicas de los candidatos sin la necesidad de coordinar entrevistas presenciales.
- Solucionamos problemas de disponibilidad para realizar y revisar entrevistas, ya que no son realizadas en linea, con lo cual los postulantes pueden responder cuando estén disponibles y cómodos para hacerlo.
- Mejorar la eficiencia y la productividad de su equipo de selección, ya que permite limitar el tiempo de respuesta de los postulantes evitando respuestas muy extensas, además de poder acceder a las entrevistas históricas de los postulantes.
- Permite a muchos miembros de su empresa participar en un proceso de selección a través de evaluaciones en equipo.
- Disminuir costos de viaje o traslado.
- Esto y mucho más!
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