miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014
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lunes, 2 de junio de 2014
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014
NUEVA MODALIDAD : "Postulaciones abiertas"
¡Nueva modalidad: Postulaciones Abiertas!
No te quedes en el pasado. Pre-selecciona los postulantes de un proceso de selección con entrevistas virtuales, revisa en un mismo lugar: CV, perfil de Linkedin, y la entrevista virtual, que tú creaste para este cargo específico.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
1. Ingresa a la pagina de E-nterview.
2. Crea un proceso ingresando las preguntas que responderán los postulantes
3. Pega el link de proceso que creaste donde estés publicando el aviso laboral.
Así de simple! Espera y ve cómo los postulantes interesados responden tu entrevista.
Deja de perder tu tiempo entrevistando candidatos que no cumple con el perfil.
usa E-nterview.
Te invitamos a
conocer más de nuestros servicios en www.e-nterview.cl ó
comunícate directamente con nosotros en contacto@e-nterview.com
viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014
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The “E-Interview” By: Marielle Lanoir, PHR
March 5th, 2014
Whether we like it or not, technology without a doubt makes our personal and profession lives run at a faster pace. Hopefully at a higher rate of efficiency as well. The days of pen and paper are slowly fading away. Business mailings and correspondence that took days to be delivered are now instantly sent and received via e-mails. Board rooms may no longer need to be reserved throughout the day, as meetings can now be conducted through conference calls, bringing individuals from coast to coast together.
What does this mean for the interview process? It means the possibility of the “Video Interview”. For the candidates and companies alike, there are many pro’s to this new method introduced into the hiring process. Candidates that are looking to relocate can now be interviewed through video, allowing them to cut down on some possible costs associated with travel. For companies, it allows them to interview individuals that may reside out of town sooner, as a video interview can be scheduled within hours of the resume being sent, as opposed to waiting for travel arrangements to be made, which could take weeks.
Though the premise of these “video interviews” is the same as the classic initial face to face interview, some individuals, on both sides of the camera, may be confused or intimidated by this new technique.
Here are some tips for both candidates and companies to use for their next “E-Interview”.
Candidates, remember that this “E-Interview” needs to be just as professional as a face to face onsite interview would be. Just because you are not sitting across the table from them, does not mean they will not be able to see you. Often conducted through Skype, or other online programs, these interviews will allow the hiring managers to see you just as clearly as they would in person. With that being said, press that dress shirt and air out your suit, you should still plan on dressing up for this online meeting.
Second, test out and prepare your equipment and area around your computer. Make sure that whatever program is being utilized for the “E-Interview” is up to date and will easily be able to be opened at the time of your call. In addition, make sure that the area around your computer is in a condition that is appropriate for the hiring managers to potentially view. If your computer is in-front of your laundry basket, consider a possible new location. You may also contact your local public library or career center to inquire if you could utilize one of their computers or rooms for the interview. This may help ensure that there is a professional environment around you as well.
Finally, please remember to still make eye contact. Sure, there are not physical hands to shake during this interview, but there are still going to be at least one set of eyes looking at you. Just as awkward as it is to not look at the individual interviewing you during an onsite interview, it is equally as awkward to not make eye contact and acknowledge the individual that is speaking at you through the camera.
Hiring Managers, though this type of interview may not be one that you are as well versed with as the traditional onsite face to face method, please keep in mind that you must still keep the new online method as consistent as the traditional interview. Just because the candidate is not in your office, does not mean you can ask impermissible questions pertaining to race, age, citizenship status etc.
Secondly, block off time, just as you would an onsite interview, to allow you to adequately tend to this meeting. If this interview is being conducted in your office through your computer, make sure that your desk phone is on “do not disturb” and your office staff knows that you can not be interrupted during this time. Treat this appointment with the same importance you would if the candidate was sitting across the table from you.
Finally, remember to follow up with the individuals that you spoke and “met” with online, just as you would those that physically came to your office. If you hire a qualified individual, and the online candidates are not chosen, send them a correspondence updating them on your decision to go with another candidate.
When conducted properly, online or “E-Interviews” are just as effective and useful as a traditional onsite interview, beneficial for both candidate and hiring manager.
miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014
Estas son subidas a un portal, donde también se evalúan a los entrevistados.
Foto: Captura.
Para evitar este tipo de problemas, Cristóbal Asenjo, Carlos Hoffmann y Eduardo Frohlich crearon E-nterview
Con ella se pueden identificar las "competencias necesarias para un cargo y actúa como un filtro previo a las entrevistas en persona. Por ello disminuye considerablemente la carga de trabajo en la etapa más costosa del proceso de reclutamiento y selección, las entrevistas", precisa Cristóbal.
¿Cómo funciona?
Es una plataforma web (www.e-nterview.cl) que puede ser administrada por el cliente, el que puede crear el set de preguntas para identificar las competencias que está buscando.
Las entrevistas son contestadas por los candidatos cuando y donde estimen conveniente, pero dentro del plazo establecido por la empresa. "Las entrevistas virtuales de E-nterview no son entrevistas online, que es lo que ofrece Skype o Google Hangouts, ya que son contestadas mediante grabaciones que son almacenadas en nuestros servidores. La empresa por otra parte, puede revisar y evaluar a los candidatos cuando lo estime conveniente y sin la necesidad de usar una hora de su tiempo (que es lo que normalmente dura una entrevista laboral) o incurrir en gastos de traslado y de gestión. Sumado a lo anterior, permite evaluar en equipo a cada candidato", explica Cristóbal.
Desde E-nterview explican que la plataforma entrega dos modalidades. En la primera, "los postulantes son ingresados a la plataforma por el cliente, con lo cual se personaliza una invitación por correo electrónico. La invitación es enviada y se notifica al postulante que ha entrado a ese proceso de selección y pueden acceder a la entrevista virtual para ser respondida", indica Cristóbal y la segunda es que "a través de una postulación abierta, en la cual la empresa agrega un link de E-nterview a la oferta laboral que normalmente publicita en las bolsas de trabajo, a través de este link cualquier postulante pueden responder la entrevista virtual".
Beatriz Stange.
miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014
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